
Virtual Book Launch Party

As you may know, our Chief Investment Officer and CEO, Steven Rogé is an active member of Ed Slott’s Elite IRA Advisor GroupSM, an exclusive organization dedicated to the ongoing study and mastery of constantly changing and complex tax laws impacting your retirement savings. Ed and his team of IRA Experts are a valued part...
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Group of Generation Z

Enhancing Financial Literacy Across Generations: Generation Z

By Kelley Muhsemann Marketing Manager Wrapping up Financial Literacy Month, the fourth and final article in our financial literacy series takes a deep dive into the budding Generation Z. More commonly referred to as “Gen Z,” this cohort was born between 1997 and 2012, and make up about 14% of the U.S. population. According to...
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Enhancing Financial Literacy Across Generations: Generation X

The second article in our Financial Literacy Month series is dedicated to Generation X. Born between 1965 and 1980, “Gen X” is balancing career advancement with heightened financial anxiety. This “sandwich generation” is in their key wealth-building years while also juggling working and caregiving. A recent study by Bankrate found that this cohort is significantly...
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Enhancing Financial Literacy Across Generations: Baby Boomers

By Kelley Muhsemann Marketing Manager At R.W. Rogé & Company, Inc., we believe that empowering individuals with financial knowledge is crucial for building a secure future. To celebrate Financial Literacy Month, we’ve put together a series of articles that will delve into the unique financial challenges and priorities faced by different generations, providing tailored advice...
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Financial Wellness Unveiled: Perspectives from CFP® Professionals

By Kelley Muhsemann Marketing Manager We’re kicking off 2024 by celebrating Financial Wellness Month! Instead of providing you with various tips and tricks on how to set forth and achieve financial wellness – we’ve decided to look inward and reflect as fee-only financial advisors to answer the question: What does “Financial Wellness” mean to us?...
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multi generation family

The Gift of Financial Education: Sustaining Generational Wealth

By Kelley Muhsemann Marketing Manager A study conducted by the Williams Group found that a staggering 70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the next generation, with 90% losing it the generation after that. Another study found that 78% of wealthy individuals feel that their heirs are not financially responsible enough to handle an...
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The Six Biggest Mistakes Investors Make – and How to Fix Them

By Kelley Muhsemann Marketing Manager Investing can be a rewarding journey, offering the potential for financial growth and security. However, it’s important to navigate this path with caution and avoid the common pitfalls that can lead to financial setbacks. Let’s explore six of the biggest financial mistakes investors make and provide insights on how to...
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2023: An Earth Odyssey

By Ronald W. Rogé, MS, CFP® Chairman & CEO “I am sorry Dave. I am afraid I can’t do that,” HAL calmly says to Dr. David Bowman who is locked out of his spaceship, in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968). If you have been watching or listening to the news media these past...
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New Rules for 529 Plans

By Steven M. Rogé, MBA, CFP®, AIF® Chief Investment Officer Within the 130 pages of the SECURE 2.0 Act, a small section can be found that outlines one’s ability to use a 529 plan for more than just educational expenses. This section strengthens the benefits of contributing to a 529 plan, but this time the...
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