Educational Planning

Student Loans

How Student Loan Repayment Fits Into a Financial Plan

Years ago most students could work a part-time job while attending college and graduate debt-free. Today, student loans are essentially a guarantee, and depending on things like financial aid, 529 plans and scholarships, a college education could end up costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Don’t get discouraged though. With a little planning and understanding,...
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RW Roge & Company

First Quarter 2016 Review

First Quarter 2016 Review The market got off to a rocky start this year with equities down over 10% at one point, only to end the quarter up just over 1%. Concern over the pace of the Federal Reserve interest rate increases, declining oil prices, The United Kingdom’s potential exit from the European Union, and...
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In The News

10 Last-Minute Ways to Fund Your 529 Plan for 2015

Director of Wealth Management Christopher R. Wills was featured in an article on on Dec. 1, 2015. The article, “10 Last-Minute Ways to Fund Your 529 Plan for 2015,” was written by Denise Topolnicki. To view the full article, click here. If you would like to speak with a Senior Wealth Advisor at R.W....
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401k Planning Long Island

Business Owners Can Put More Away for Retirement. Here’s How …

By: Jeff Roberto, CFP®, CMFC®, MBA As a business owner, did you know that you could put more money away into your retirement plan? Contributing the maximum amount to your 401(k) is the right thing to do, but perhaps it’s not enough to meet your retirement goals. You can contribute even more to your 401(k)...
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Four Common Financial Concerns and Solutions

By Kelley Caponigro Assistant to the Chairman & CEO It can be easy to overlook your financial future when you’re busy living your life.  However, it is important to consider how you want your life to look down the road, and how to turn that vision into a reality by planning strategically.  Here are some...
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Who Needs Financial Advice?

By Kelley Caponigro Assistant to the Chairman & CEO Words like retirement, investing and insurance are usually associated with financial advice. But what about topics like birth, relocation or starting a business? It’s astounding how many common life events are overlooked that could greatly benefit from professional financial advice. We’ve come up with a list...
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If I Knew Then What I Know Now

Jeffrey Roberto, MBA, CMFC, CFP® Director of Client Services Five years ago, my oldest child, Jeff, started high school.  My wife and I were so proud of our ninth-grader — and then we started to panic.  Not about the looming college application process, although that was stressful too.  We had suddenly realized that we hadn’t...
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